Monday, October 6, 2008

Modernday Superheros!

This is a photo from Avery's birthday breakfast. His number one choice: Krispy Kreme. We knew that we were about to partake in a calorie fest, but we weren't expecting to save countless people from utter destruction. (slight exaggeration) Everybody's seen the Krispy Kreme conveyor belts right? The one where you can see not only the doughnuts being fried in brown oil (the Krispy), but also where they are completely drenched in thick white oozing frosting (the Kreme). Avery was watching the dough slowly expand up and down the conveyor train, splash into the oil and then flip and repeat to the other side. He looked intrigued so I decided to watch along thinking this is the cheepest birthday entertainment ever.

Randomly, Avery asks, "Mom, Why are some of those doughnuts still white?" I look around thinking, "Those raw doughnuts are heading right for the frosting! Where are the employees?" Apparently with automated assembly lines there isn't much oversight. The employees were all scrambling around scrubbing floors and decorating doughnuts. Meanwhile more half raw doughtnuts are being pumped through the assembly line, creeping even closer to making it to the display case. Finally I call out, "Excuse me, I think there is a problem." and I pointed to the line. It was obvious they knew what we were talking about as employees came out from nowhere to fix the sticky problem. They pulled the raw doughnuts off of the conveyor just before they went through the frosting waterfall, and dropped into the decorating table. And to thank the Heros of the Day: Three free doughnuts. Unfortunately we had already eaten ours, so Avery wasn't hungry. Next time I think I will let Jason oblige their gratitude. Three Krispy Kremes is NOT the best way to start out a day at the waterpark!

More on Avery's birthday, including a slideshow to come...

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