Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hey mom I got my driver's license!

As you will see in my previous post, our transportation situation was not ideal. So, taking matters into his own hands Jason got his Drivers License! We’ve rented a car for this month to get our feet wet. We are in a bright blue Toyota Corolla. We actually stand out quite a bit in it. It seems like everyone here drives a white Land Cruiser, or a beefy version thereof. I’ve even taken out our car with my International Drivers license I got from AAA before I left. I feel so much better attacking the roundabouts and traffic jam mess in a rental. So far I’ve taken us (the kids) to Avery’s international school and to the grocery store that is about 5 blocks away. And Jason thought I’d never use it.

Traffic can be pretty nasty here. Last night we set out to get a few parts from the hardware store. We soon realized that night time is not the most efficient time to run errands. After a ½ an hour of driving we figured we were probably not even on the right road so we started to head home. Well…about an 1 ½ later we arrive. We seriously just drove around for 2 hours. (Not by choice believe me) without accomplishing ANYTHING. So that was a little maddening. Jason really was a good sport. The bad news is that we burned our first tank of gas this week. The good news is that it was only 13 dollars to fill it up.

1 comment:

Clint Moore said...

The even better news is that you've leveled up when it comes to driving skills. But you did accomplish something in those two hours. You got to know the roads and even the car. Now you pretty much have an idea when it comes to buying a car that will stand out.