Monday, October 20, 2008

Camel Crossing

#1 question asked, "Have you seen a camel yet?" Besides the mysterious camel walking on the beach in Ajman we haven't seen any "wild" camels yet. I've seen the camel crossing sign, and plenty of saddled-up ridable ones. We've even seen mechanical camels at the mall. It was like a nativity scene out of moving camels. I thought they were real, but then was told we should go have our picture taken with them because they weren't. So real camels don't smile at gawkers in the mall? Every time I see them at the roadside carnivals I think, "Would I actually ride one of those? I bet they're pretty stinky." I'm actually a little scared of them. I don't know if I should even let Avery ride it. They're much bigger in person than on TV. But then again, my mom let me ride an elephant at the Shrine Circus and I survived. What would you do?

Camel crossing photo borrowed from:


Anonymous said...

Apryl and I actually rode a camel in Dubai! It wasn't comfortable, but it was an experience. Go for it!

Brady and Apryl E.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I had also taken a ride and it was great fun. Nothing to worry about :)