Monday, October 20, 2008

The Perfect Gadget.

After nearly three months of wonder...I've finally found the perfect use for that bidet thingy next to our toilets. If you are like me, and do not know what a bidet is, it is like a shower head that is next to the toilet to be used for any projects that would need... a little warm water I guess. Since I haven't been trained in their usage, I feel a little akward using anything but Charmin to clean up. Avery likes to use it to play "firehose" and sprays it into the toilet before he flushes, or sometimes in place of a flush. I, on the otherhand, had a *brilliant* idea. And in the process developed a new favorite the bathroom.

I slapped on my heavy duty gloves, took out the French dish soap that really turned out to be Soft Scrub, and rubbed it top to bottom on all of the porcelins in the bathroom. Then I confidently grabbed the bidet and methodically sprayed. Avery was like, "Can I help you clean the bathroom?" And I was like, "No, I've got this one." Then with a light squeegy down the drain in the middle of the floor, our bathroom has never smelled so good or *sparkled* quite so bright.

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