Monday, August 18, 2008

Lost in Translation

Here are some conversations that did not go quite the way I thought they were going.

Pakistani Cabbie says: "Are you from Germany?"

Me: "No, I am from the United States. But I am German. (nervous giggle)"

PC: "Oh...Are there tall buildings in Germany like these?"

Me: "I am from America (US doesn't register many times), my grandmother is German, I have never been to Germany."

Avery: "How many floors does your building have?"

PC: "Are there tall buildings like this in America or only the twin towers?"

Me: "Maybe in New York there are many, but I am from Minnesota. I have never been to New York. There are about 5 tall buildings like this in Minnesota."

Avery: "How many floors does your building have?" (Talking louder)

PC: "Do you see all these tall buildings, very fast these tall buildings, six years these tall buildings."

Avery: "How many floors does your building have?" (Frustration is building)

Me: "OK Avery, sometimes you just have to rephrase your question. (to PC) Do you live in a tall building?"

PC: "Oh yes, 63 floors. That building, 164 floors, very big. Very not safe. My sponsor, he look at that one, he said, 'no I want villa thank you'"

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